Monday, June 4, 2012

Weekend Fun!

Ava had her first babysitter on Friday night!  Our friends Chris and Gina asked if they could watch Ava for a bit so Matt and I could have some time together. She did not enjoy the car ride there, but was great for them :)  Matt and I enjoyed a dinner out at Chops!

We were able to spend a lot of time swimming and relaxing outside this weekend!  Saturday Ava was in her swing, and Sunday she played on her playmat!

Ava is starting to reach for objects
and is enjoying playtime. 

She still loves staring at ceiling fans and mobiles :)

She is getting better at sitting up in her Bumbo Seat

and lately she loves being rocked (I love it too)!

Here is a video from Sunday morning!


Grandma Lo said...

What a blessing to have good friends! Keep the pics and videos coming - I apprecite you taking the time to do that. Love you all and see you soon!

Anonymous said...

That's such a sweet video. She is such a happy girl! Can't wait to see her again!

Bridget said...

It's so good to hear your voice and see sweet Ava! What a happy little girl. She's so cute!

Love you all!