Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day!

I had a great Mother's Day weekend with Matt and Ava!  It started off on Friday afternoon, when Ava gave me this craft she made at school :)

Then, Ava slept in until 7 am on Saturday and we spent the day outside!  Saturday night after Ava went to bed Matt made us steaks and lobster sauce and we relaxed outside!

Sunday morning Ava carried two cards to me and we looked at them together.  Then, we went out to breakfast!  We wanted to take some pictures before breakfast, but it was foggy outside so we had to stay inside.

 When we got back from breakfast I talked to Lo on the phone, and then it was pretty nice out so we went outside to walk around the house and take a few pictures!


Matt and I relaxed and swam while Ava took her afternoon nap, and then we went to the park!

After the park Matt and Ava made some peanut butter brownies :)

What a great day!  Thank you so much Matt and Ava!

And Happy Mother's Day to my mom and Ava's Grandma Lo!  Now that I am a mom, I always think about how she must have felt like this about Sara, Rylee, and I when we were babies. I found this poem online :)

Mom, Now that I'm a Mother

Until I became a Mother,
I did not understand,
The profound sense of love,
In a Mother's heart and hands.

As I whisper, "Mommy loves you",
I rock my precious child to sleep.
Small perfection in my arms,
Sweet breaths, slow and deep.

I now see me as a baby,
You're rocking me to sleep.
You whisper, "Mommy loves you,
My heart is yours to keep."

At last I recognize your love,
As a Mother I now see.
As I hold and love my child,
You feel that love for me.

I will always be your baby,
Despite the years that pass.
You have given me my life,
And a Mother's heart to last.

The greatest thanks I can offer,
More than words can ever say.
Is to give my child the love,
You gave me everyday
 Happy Mother's Day, Lo!!