Sunday, August 11, 2013


We had a great weekend!  Saturday morning we went to our community park for a bit in the morning, and then swam in the afternoon.  Sunday morning we went out to breakfast, went for a bike ride at Lakes Park, and then played at the splash pad.  I have spent a lot of time getting ready for the new school year the past few weeks, so it was nice to focus on family this weekend.



After Ava's nap on Sunday we watched the Colts for a bit :)

I got Ava a new cat keyboard and microphone at Target the other day.  She has already had a few meltdowns because the cord for the microphone just isn't long enough!!


Grandma Lo said...

Looks like so much fun! She looks so happy to be a colts fan - what about those patriots?????? Dad better go shopping for her!!! Thanks for sharing - Oh and was that T is the background singing the ABC's????? (lol) love you all

Unknown said...

Yea we watched the colts too!!
Cute video. I see how when stressed she just goes back to her FAV toy ;).. wonder who got that.
-See you all soon!