Sunday, January 3, 2016

Happy New Year

We had a super low key New Years this year.  Matt took advantage of the holiday business to go Uber and made some good money.  Ava and I relaxed at home and played with her new Christmas toys.  We were happy to be back home from Tennessee and spent the next few days doing organization projects, playing with her dollhouse, and relaxing on the couch.  

It's back to work tomorrow!  This year I read a lot of books that offered me inspiration and I always try to write down or screenshot the parts that I want to remember.  Here are a few of my personal motivations and reflections I want to focus on this year.

The last sentence of this paragraph from Candace Cameron's book "Dancing Through Life" is on the first page of my planner and what I truly want my personal mission statement to be.  When people look at me, I hope they see compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.

The next 3 are from the book "Ever After" by Vicki Courtney.

When I read this I saved it because I absolutely hope to pass on a grateful attitude to Ava.  Matt and I are pretty good at putting each other in check when we feel the comparison trap coming on or an "I wish we had that" attitude forming.  When we settle down at night I am always commenting on the things I love about our home and want to continue focusing on appreciating all that I have.

These two pages remind me to not long for the past (both with my looks and experiences).  For example, when things are difficult financially I sometimes remember a time when they weren't as tough and long for that time.  Or, when I see an old picture I am sad that I don't look like that anymore.  I want to be healthy and enjoy looking and feeling nice, but I want to spend more time on my attitude and heart than I do on my appearance.  I want to focus on the present and not the past.

The next 2 pages are from Jen Hatmaker's book "For The Love".

Jen Hatmaker's books are awesome and really speak to me.  This paragraph reminds me to treat myself with the same love and grace I give to others.  I am very hard on myself and often have low self-esteem.  I can identify my weaknesses quickly but if another does that to themselves I encourage them to move forward and focus on successes.  I want to work on this with myself.

These few paragraphs gave me hope for not only raising Ava with this attitude of serving and helping others, but with my students at school.  Kindness can be tough but is so powerful!

I read the book "Restless" by Jennie Allen earlier this year and again in the car on our way back from Tennessee.  This paragraph stood out to me at this season in my life because I have been tossing around ideas for a second business involving photography or creative design but always feel either guilt about the time it might take to learn and pursue or low-self esteem about being successful.  I have been talking with Matt a lot about identifying what my gifts are trying to use them.

I also read this page from the book "Unglued" by Lysa TerKeurst in the car (it was a looooong ride home) and it helped me feel better about some relationships at work.  I often feel like others don't appreciate or understand what I do.  This year I will try to remember to bless those who might be critical of me and to offer love in tough situations.

This is a screenshot I saved from the app.  I love this app and read it every day.  I am always wondering how I can serve others more.  Thankfully my job offers me an opportunity to help some, but I know that I need to do more for my community and hope to do just that in 2016!

This excerpt from Melanie Shankle's book about marriage, "The Antelope in the Living Room", might as well be describing Matt and I!  I am so thankful for the grace Matt shows me daily and it truly does inspire me to better - and that's what marriage is to us.

And lastly, my health.  I have gained a bit of weight each year, and even though my lab work comes back okay, I know that I need to add some additional activity to my lifestyle.  Matt and I both hope to get back to more consistent family exercise.  The first quote is from Andie Mitchell.  She has a website and a book that I have enjoyed reading.  The second is a quote by Nancy Hale that I read in Khloe Kardashian's book "Strong Looks Better Naked".

Well, looks like I will be busy this year!  Cheers to 2016!

Image result for happy new year 2016 glitter

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