Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May Books

I love Ashley Graham!  I loved hearing about her modeling career and always enjoy reading about her body positivity.

This book was a series of letters written to different people and places.

Gabourey's memoir was very interesting! I loved hearing about her life and how she got to where she is.  

I didn't realize this was more of an advice book for success in the workplace as a woman than a memoir, but it did have some good tips.

May Days

Well, it is our first week of summer vacation and Ava has asked for a popsicle 15 times a day and is currently singing Christmas songs and dancing around the house :)  The lady checking us out at Publix yesterday said, "It's gonna be a long summer mama" :)

Ava and I made a trip to the park recently.  Park trips always remind me of how big she is :)

I am leaving my school and Ava and I are both headed to a new school this year!  We are both so excited!  Every time we drive by she says "That's my kindergarten!"

We celebrated Mother's Day in the pool and on the boat!

Matt wanted to try a new recipe and made these eggs for breakfast!

Ava and I hit up the beach for a few hours this week.

Happy Summer!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Dance Recital & Pre-K Graduation

My mom gifted my family with the best weekend ever recently!  Even though she had just been to visit in April, she bought a plane ticket to come back in May for Ava's dance recital and graduation!  I will forever be thankful for her thoughtfulness and it was a weekend of memories we will always remember!  Thank You, Mom!

Ava and Grandma hung out by the pool on Friday and then we went to Disney On Ice Friday night. 

Saturday was the big day and we started with the dance recital!  Ava was super brave and danced the entire time!  We are so proud!

We stopped home for a quick change and were off to graduation!

After my mom left Ava asked me to take a picture and show her Grandma the picture she made for her.  It is a picture of Ava and Grandma with hearts :)  Ava sure loves her Grandma!